
Thursday, September 20, 2018

Need a Reader???

I heard this idea somewhere and thought wow, why didn't I think of that!  I have a small group of students that have an accommodation to have a reader,  when we are working on a test or other assignments in the classroom.  They are never ready to move on at the same time and I'm always running back and forth to each kid.  So, how can we make this easier on us, the kids, and since they have a computer reader on KPREP, more KPREP like??

Use the extension, Screencastify to record your computer screen and yourself reading the questions aloud.  Then you can share the video or add it to your google classroom for the students to use.

Let me know if I can help you with this!  

Sunday, September 16, 2018

What are your FOMs?

FOMs, huh?  What are your fears of mediocrity (FOM)?  What things keep you from stepping outside the box to explore, create, and learn with your students?  Class size?  Class Behavior?  Fear of Failing?  Being looked at as different?  Test scores?   All of these things and more will always be in your way!  But you learn from them, and guess what, your students will too!  Don't let your FOMs stand in the way of developing your class into a fun place to be.  Dive in today!

If you haven't read, "Teach Like a Pirate" by Dave Burgess you should!  There is a couple in the professional section in the library.  Come check it out.  Read it!  Be Inspired!  Break away from your FOMs!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Who We Are!

Welcome to the Boston Ignite Innovators Blog!  Your Boston Ignite Innovators will be sharing their innovative techniques,  inspirational thoughts, instructional strategies and their epic fails with you here.  This blog is meant to share ideas, pump you up and encourage you to Ignite that Flame in your classroom with technology!  Please feel free to comment or ask questions on any blog post.  Communication is the key to making us all Innovators! 


Check out Padlet !!  Padlet is another tool that can be used to collaborate with peers, students, and our community.